What happens under the sheets......
31/10/2022 Since our burst of activity in the summer, and despite the lack of updates we have been far from inactive. Our first target was to get the galvanised sheets on the newly erected section. The formers that support the sheets had to be made and added. Then we received our first setback. The sheets needed to be cut to the exact size and although we had previously used the guillotine at Williton this was no longer available, so we had to investigate other ways of cutting the sheets. Luckily, we managed to source a local facility who were more than willing to help so we continued to progress this work. Having been cut to size they then have to be drilled and the holes 'dimpled' on the top and bottom and countersunk on the vertical edges. Above: Batons fitted, and wood dimpled to accept the sheets. Above: Sheets being drilled prior to dimpling or countersinking Above Dimpling process underway. Four sheets were completed and attached using stainless steel screws, about 70...