Luggage End Door Construction 11/06/2021  Having completed yesterday's sort out it was time to return to the tasks which is the construction of 2 pairs of luggage end doors. The left-hand side originals were in a very poor state so definitely needed replacing, whilst the right side ones were not quite so bad but after consideration, it was decided that making 4 doors was not too much harder than making 2 although we may live to regret that decision! Anyway, the process was started before lockdown but as the picture below shows we have now progressed to a point that 8 stiles (the side pieces of the doors) have been produced and the tumblehome shape added. So now we will be moving on to the next stage of the process, cutting the 5 mortises on each side that take the cross-members that make up the full frame of the door. Watch out for further updates. The stiles that are shown represent about £4-500 worth of seasoned oak and probably 40/50 hours of work. So far we have hardly begun the process.

8 stiles awaiting further attention

Here's an original door constructed not much less than 100 years ago

Shaping the tumblehome using a former.

An original being used as a pattern.



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