Nothing to see here..............................
Have you passed our carriage at Williton and wondered what lies beneath the blue and white tarpaulins? Today we have exposed the truth..............nothing! Well, not exactly nothing. When we needed to vacate the Swindon shed we needed to ensure we protected the work we had already completed on the bodywork so we hastily constructed a tent from wooden poles supplied by one of our workers and obtained a large tarpaulin to cover it and protect it from the ravages of the West Somerset weather. today it was time to dismantle it and start preparing for section 3 to be added to the existing 2 parts already there. The driving end partition wall was also extracted and moved back beside the luggage end partition temporarily to allow us more working space. These will both be removed over the next few months to allow all of section 3 to be added. Watch out for further updates coming soon, but in the meantime here's a pic of the space created today and a picture of a piece of the 'old' section 3 to compare with what will arrive in its place shortly. We're hoping to show some of our progress at the forthcoming Gala in early October.
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