Roof Hoops and Door Handles 29/10/21


Further progress on the assembly of section 3 requires a further 3 Roof Hoops to be manufactured, and due to the imminent increase in electricity prices and the fact the there is a high demand for the said power for several hours we took the opportunity to save a few pounds before the 1st November.

For those who are new followers of this Blog and all things Auto 169 this will be a new process to you although we have now produced 8 of these and will probably need a further 5 or 6 before we reach the Luggage end. Briefly they are made of 4 laminations of 3"x1/2' ash. The individual laminations are steamed for about 2 1/2 hours before being removed and clamped to the former. The first lamination is allowed to cool for about 20-30 mins until 'set' when its unclamped and lamination 2 is added. This process is repeated a total of 4 times when they are removed clamped together and then left for a couple of weeks to fully dry out prior to gluing. The pictures below were taken during the bending process.   


                                                            First laminate clamped

3 down one to add

2 completed hoops

2 hoops completed

In other news, the Left door handle has recently been obtained from our friends at Cranmore and it looks as if it has never been used , the right one was constructed from various spare parts by our local engineer. These will be used in nthe Luggage doors that are currently under construction.


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