Preparation for Section 3 Assembly  06/03/2022

We have been very busy since the New Year trying to ensure we are as prepared as possible for the upcoming reassembly work on section 3. We are taking our agreed undercover period commencing 28th March and it is our intention to fully utilise the time allowed to ensure we can complete as much as section 3 as we can and do any preparation and dismantling of section 4 as possible during the indoor period. The 3 roof hoops that we will need have now been glued and mortising for the roof spacers is progressing well. These are being hand made. An additional crossmember for section 4 has been made to a help ensure all is mounted squarely on the frames. Pictures below show the roof hoops nearing completion and the gluing of a section 4 crossmember. We have also made copious amounts of tongue and groove floorboards that will act as a base for the 25mm ply that is the actual flooring.

Work has also continued on the doors for the luggage end and the 4 are now almost completed to the major framework stage. Seats and backs have also been made as and when time allows. We will have to endure some serious expenditure on the flooring plywood which has rocked in price recently to well over £100 per sheet (we need 5 sheets to complete the current work) so please get in touch if you feel you can help us fund this. We fully understand there is great pressure on your wallets at this time but even the purchase of one of our Autotrailer booklets for a couple of pounds will help us.
 Many thanks for your interest in our project. Please visit our pages again soon.



  1. To purchase a booklet see. You can enter ANY price over £1.80 Thanks


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