Final dismantling underway
19/07/2023 With the assistance of a Hiab crane lorry and an early (for us) start the final section of the original bodywork of Auto 169 was removed from the chassis and work to save the last of the reusable parts was started. The final section although looking a little like its almost 100 years was actually quite sturdy giving credit to the carpenters who originally constructed it Lift off Once it had landed we set to work removing the remaining roof sections and recovering the roof hoops for reuse. The remaining wooden side parts were well beyond further use as carriage components although some may enter the recycling process to become pens! Going going....... Most of the roof is now gone and one of the roof hoops lies by the side for further use. A final tidy-up and a good day's work is complete Now we just need to separate the end section from the floor and remove the steel cladding from the outside before close examination and assessment of what work and repairs are needed pri...