
Final dismantling underway

 19/07/2023 With the assistance of a Hiab crane lorry and an early (for us) start the final section of the original bodywork of Auto 169 was removed from the chassis and work to save the last of the reusable parts was started. The final section although looking a little like its almost 100 years was actually quite sturdy giving credit to the carpenters who originally constructed it Lift off Once it had landed we set to work removing the remaining roof sections and recovering the roof hoops for reuse. The remaining wooden side parts were well beyond further use as carriage components although some may enter the recycling process to become pens! Going going....... Most of the roof is now gone and one of the roof hoops lies by the side for further use. A final tidy-up and a good day's work is complete Now we just need to separate the end section from the floor and remove the steel cladding from the outside before close examination and assessment of what work and repairs are needed pri...

The End is Nigh................

08/06/2023 Firstly, apologies for the lack of recent updates. This is definitely NOT due to lack of progress but unfortunately, things like glass and glazing are difficult to photograph in a way that portrays the work involved. We have today welcomed a couple of visitors to view inside the carriage and both (independently) remarked how surprised they were at the progress made and the quality of the workmanship that is going into the carriage. If you would like a closer look at what we are doing there please send a message and we will do what we can to organise a private tour for you. Anyway, during the last week, we have been busy readying the last part of the original carriage to be removed shortly to enable us to start construction of the new bodywork.                                                           ...

What happens under the sheets......

31/10/2022 Since our burst of activity in the summer, and despite the lack of updates we have been far from inactive. Our first target was to get the galvanised sheets on the newly erected section. The formers that support the sheets had to be made and added.  Then we received our first setback. The sheets needed to be cut to the exact size and although we had previously used the guillotine at Williton this was no longer available, so we had to investigate other ways of cutting the sheets. Luckily, we managed to source a local facility who were more than willing to help so we continued to progress this work. Having been cut to size they then have to be drilled and the holes 'dimpled' on the top and bottom and countersunk on the vertical edges. Above: Batons fitted, and wood dimpled to accept the sheets.  Above: Sheets being drilled prior to dimpling or countersinking Above Dimpling process underway. Four sheets were completed and attached using stainless steel screws, about 70...

'Moving on' 07/09/2022

 Having caught our breath following the very busy Steam Fayre a few weeks back we have now started to fill the gaps on the body framework recently constructed. The 2 side rails that support the galvanised sheeting on the lower carriage sides have been made and fitted and work has also progressed in the workshop sorting and squaring the remaining uprights for the last section. We have established that we will need to obtain 4 more for the luggage end door jambs. 115mm x 90mm x1800mm so we'll be shopping for those before long. Today we have also marked out and started drilling the first 2 of the 2mm galvanised side sheets  for the 'railway' side of the carriage. About 60-70 holes on each sheet. The pilot holes are the easy ones  

Trying to save the planet 17/08/2022

 During the program of restoring and refurbishing Autotrailer 169 we are trying to be as 'green' as we can. Not only does it save us money if we can locate and use timber that has previously been used for other purposes, but we feel we are doing a little to conserve the world's timber resources. Over the years we have appealed for donations of suitable hardwoods that supporters and followers may have stored on their sheds and garages awaiting that 'project' that never quite happens. Most hardwood can be reused in some way or another provided it doesn't have too many nails or screws, which can be removed by us, or that any rot can be removed to leave suitable sized pieces that can be recycled into carriage components. However we have also got an outlet for our old and unsuitable Oak components that can have the rotting and damaged parts removed and recycled into smaller items, mainly at this stage pens, although other small items such as key rings are also made. ...

More progress to report 19/06/2022

Yesterday saw the big push to get the forward partition permanently into place. A 3 dimensional jigsaw including top heavy pieces 9ft square and weighing 2-3cwt (3 mtrs and 125kilos for the metric minded) having to be manoeuvred into position then dropped vertically into place with no mechanical assistance proved quite a challenge. However, as you see below, we did succeed along with some more attention to the roof spacer timbers and the trial fit of all the doorway timbers that just need some further small fettling .

Getting there.......................16/06/2022

We're getting towards the end of our  undercover period and whilst we may not have achieved absolutely everything we had hoped for we have made good progress having also encountered a few unforeseens, what railway project doesn't? Not least discovering the top of the Luggage end entrance vestibule partition had a broken joint which required some serious dismantling that we hadn't planned for. See pictures  below. However today we came within a 'stones throw' of refitting the Drivers side  entrance vestibule partition along with many of the roof supports that fit between the hoops fitted. We are hoping to sheet the carriage down making allowance to complete the unfinished work without too many problems. The latest pictures are shown below. Hope fully there will be some updated ones in the next few days so please look back again soon. Roof support fitting underway Partition trial fitted. Some small fettling required Half of the repaired roof beam.